Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two new Rose Cut Diamond Bracelets in Natural colors

The three row bracelet is a combination of natural yellows and the two row has nice size multi colored diamonds. All natural.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pamela Huizenga presents some new designs!

Here are some new pieces. Rose Cut Diamonds, Ammonites, Stalactites. Bracelets and Earrings and Pendants.

Getting ready for the Couture Show in Las Vegas this June. Looking for some specialty retailers to carry my line of One of a Kind jewelry designs.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Music in the Pamela Huizenga studio

It's funny how different music is helpful for different activities. When I am in a design slump and need to get the creative juices flowing I like powerful, edgy music. Music with meaning and provokes emotion ... I usually turn to Blue October or P!nk ...

But today was a numbers day, nothing creative at all. I actually had to force creative thoughts out of my mind and focus on math ... yuck. For this type of activity I need calming, soothing music ... So today was a Pavarotti,  Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky. It was a productive day but I look forward to getting back to the rocks, gems, fossils and designs!

Designers Naeem and Ranjana Khan, Pamela Huizenga jewelry- City&Shore Magazine

Designers Naeem and Ranjana Khan, Pamela Huizenga jewelry- City&Shore Magazine

Pyrite Ammonite Fossil with Multi Colored Natural Diamonds!

Take a look at this new pendant by Pamela Huizenga Jewelry!
Pyrite Ammonite Fossil with Multi Colored Natural Diamonds.

Pamela Huizenga New Studio Intown!

Ok, the studio is set up and getting organized and we are loving it! There is room to get organized and get creative; the best of both worlds!